Stakeholder dialogue and regional engagement in the context of higher education
Helena Kantanen etsi tutkimuksessaan vastauksia siihen, miten yliopistot ovat onnistuneet luomaan ja kehittämään vuoropuhelua paikallisten sidosryhmiensä kanssa.- Yliopistot vasta opettelevat vuoropuhelua. Ikävä kyllä ne usein antavat kumppaneilleen vain mahdollisuuden kuunnella omaa monologiaan, Kantanen kuvaa. - Sidosryhmien edustajien kannalta on suuri ero siinä, osallistuuko dialogiin aktiivisena toimijana ja uutta luovana osapuolena vai yleisönä. Jos yliopisto todella haluaa hyödyntää sidosryhmiensä vankan tuen ja asiantuntemuksen, kumppaneilla pitää olla suurempi rooli kuin vain mahdollisuus sanoa sanottavansa muodon vuoksi, Kantanen korostaa. Tutkimuksen taustalla on 1990-luvulla Suomessa uudelleen virinnyt keskustelu yliopistojen alueellisesta vaikuttavuudesta. Vuonna 2004 yliopistojen ns. kolmas tehtävä, yhteiskunnallinen palvelutehtävä, kirjattiin yliopistolakiin osaksi opetusta ja tutkimusta. Kantanen havaitsi, että yliopistot ja niiden sidosryhmät pitävät opetusministeriön näkemystä yliopistojen palvelutehtävästä liian kapeana. Se ei ole vain taloudellisen kehityksen veturina toimimista, vaan yliopistoilla on merkittävä kulttuurinen tehtävä yhteisöjen rakentajina. Paikallisten sidosryhmien mielestä yliopiston vastuun toiminta-aluettaan kohtaan voi tiivistää kahteen päälinjaan. Yliopistojen toivotaan vastaavan alueen konkreettisiin koulutustarpeisiin, kuten Itä-Suomen hammaslääkäripulaan. Toisaalta yliopistojen odotetaan asettuvan visionäärin paikalle.- Oman yliopiston halutaan olevan näkijä, ilmansuuntien haistelija, puheenvuorojen käyttäjä ja tiennäyttäjä, Kantanen kertoo. Kaikkein tärkeintä sidosryhmien mielestä on kuitenkin se, että yliopisto hoitaa perustehtävänsä kunnollisesti: täyttää opetusministeriön kanssa sovitut tulostavoitteet ja antaa laadukasta koulutusta.
The focus of this research is on the regional stakeholder relationships of Finnish universities. The study explores, firstly, the themes and contexts that determine these relationships. Secondly, it studies the dimensions of responsible academic work in the respective region and, thirdly, why, where and how university-stakeholder dialogues take place and how they succeed. It approaches the phenomenon through three theoretical layers; the regional impact of higher education, corporate social responsibility, and relational dialectics, to gain a holistic view on stakeholder relations and regional engagement. The main thread running through the study is stakeholder thinking, and regional engagement is evaluated through the involvement of stakeholders in the life of the academy.The main data consist of documentary material and of 23 semi-structured interviews conducted with university and stakeholder representatives in Kuopio, Rovaniemi and Turku in 2006. The approach is qualitative, the method chosen is ethnographic content analysis, and ATLAS.ti software is utilised as a tool for reducing, condensing and displaying data. The study identified the following themes and contexts that determine university-stakeholder relationships: the national higher education policy, re-evaluation of the responsibilities of higher education, the “third task” of universities, and globalisation. The university- and region-specific determinants of university-stakeholder dialogues were seen to be the identity, profile, and preconditions of the universities and their respective regions. Responsible academic work from the point of view of the region was seen to mean that the university fulfils its responsibilities towards the state, the students, and the region. Universities must fulfil the contracts negotiated with the Ministry of Education, and provide teaching of high quality. The universities’ responsibilities towards the region were two-fold: to respond to concrete needs, and to take a visionary role. In the stakeholder dialogues the main elements of success were trust, commitment, and personal relationships. Deficits were identified particularly in listening, two-way interaction, mutual understanding, structures, equality, and time management. In general, stakeholder interactions take place in traditional settings and emergent, creative dialogues are rare
The focus of this research is on the regional stakeholder relationships of Finnish universities. The study explores, firstly, the themes and contexts that determine these relationships. Secondly, it studies the dimensions of responsible academic work in the respective region and, thirdly, why, where and how university-stakeholder dialogues take place and how they succeed. It approaches the phenomenon through three theoretical layers; the regional impact of higher education, corporate social responsibility, and relational dialectics, to gain a holistic view on stakeholder relations and regional engagement. The main thread running through the study is stakeholder thinking, and regional engagement is evaluated through the involvement of stakeholders in the life of the academy.The main data consist of documentary material and of 23 semi-structured interviews conducted with university and stakeholder representatives in Kuopio, Rovaniemi and Turku in 2006. The approach is qualitative, the method chosen is ethnographic content analysis, and ATLAS.ti software is utilised as a tool for reducing, condensing and displaying data. The study identified the following themes and contexts that determine university-stakeholder relationships: the national higher education policy, re-evaluation of the responsibilities of higher education, the “third task” of universities, and globalisation. The university- and region-specific determinants of university-stakeholder dialogues were seen to be the identity, profile, and preconditions of the universities and their respective regions. Responsible academic work from the point of view of the region was seen to mean that the university fulfils its responsibilities towards the state, the students, and the region. Universities must fulfil the contracts negotiated with the Ministry of Education, and provide teaching of high quality. The universities’ responsibilities towards the region were two-fold: to respond to concrete needs, and to take a visionary role. In the stakeholder dialogues the main elements of success were trust, commitment, and personal relationships. Deficits were identified particularly in listening, two-way interaction, mutual understanding, structures, equality, and time management. In general, stakeholder interactions take place in traditional settings and emergent, creative dialogues are rare
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in humanities